The Disciplines of User Experience Design

This giant venn diagram unites all disciplines of user experience design on one canvas. It visualises the different fields and how they are connected to each other while the‘re overlapping in some areas of expertise.

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The Measure of Man, Henry Dreyfuss

"Ergonomics"- science studying how devices should blend smoothly to people's body or actions.

The Afterlife Dysfunction

Theoretical physicist Frederik Van Der Veken about The Afterlife Dysfunction: music by Raxxroth: / (much thanks to him for his amazing music) (video also features 'A Brand New Model' at 5:40 from Proud Music) Download it in 1080p: Scientific background on The Afterlife Dysfunction, such as

Theoretical physicist Frederik Van Der Veken about The Afterlife Dysfunction:

Download it in 1080p:

Scientific background on The Afterlife Dysfunction, such as similar theories and thought experiments proposed in popular interpretations of quantum mechanics:
Quantum suicide and immortality:
Biocentrism (cosmology):
Anthropic principle:
Capgras Syndrome:
The Many Worlds Interpretation:
The Copenhagen Interpretation:
Time Dilation:
The Blue Brain Project:
Quantum Tunneling:
CP Violation:
The Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser Experiment: